Safety Tips For Flood Cleanups

Floods are the leading source of destruction out of any natural disaster. The flood results from unexpected heavy rains, snow, storm surges, and overflow of the water onto land. A flood can disrupt transportation, damage buildings, and landslides as it comes with no warning. As compared to any other hazard each year more deaths occur due to floods so flood cleanups are necessary to protect yourself, your family, and your home. Here are four reasons that make us suitable for flood damage restoration in Central Coast.

Flood Damage Restoration
Flood Damage Restoration

So, it’s important to learn tips to control floods to stay safe in case the containment system breaks. 

1. Turn off electricity 

It’s important to shut off electricity before entering the flooded home. There is a need to shut off electricity for entire neighborhoods during flood cleanups.  If you live in rural areas and you have an electric meter outside your home then turn them off. While turning off the electrical power at the fuse box avoid crossing the damp floors. Smoke and flames can cause gasses to explode. It’s important to avoid them. 

2. Turn off gas

Power needs to turn off the gas outside and if you have gas tanks then it’s important to turn gas tanks off. To remove the gasses from the house during the cleanups open all windows and doors.

3. Be aware of slippery floor

After the flood, the home may have structural damage. So, you need to take extra care when entering the home. Avoid muddy stairs and a piece of falling plaster because it’s easy to fall or get stuck on the head. 

4. Use Bleach carefully

It’s important to use the bleach with extra care and don’t mix it with other household cleaners. Avoid the cleaners which contain ammonia as they can form deadly chlorine gas. If you disinfect the area with bleach and then with any other cleaners then accidents may happen. Before the bleach is used make sure that area is rinsed with uncontaminated water. Don’t mix the bleach even with household cleaners during the floor cleanups

5. Toss and sanitize

If the water settles on the floor for more than 48 hours then it may produce mold so it’s not good to ignore flood water. The things which come in contact with sewer water such as furniture, rugs, or anything else need to be put in plastic bags. Avoid putting directly in the trash and for insurance take photos of your belongings. Using a good cleaner try to clean and sanitize the hard surface. They help to remove the dirt from the surface and sweeping helps to turn up the dirt so it’s important to avoid this. 


It is important to make a proper plan of what you will do in case of a flood emergency. Take help from nearby emergency shelters and stock your emergency kit. You can get the readymade kits from the market and make an evaluation plan with your other member in case you get separated. Moreover, make sure you charge your cell phone. To confirm coverage in the event of flood make sure you purchase your flood insurance.

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